How Long Does Rehab Last for Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

Outpatient drug rehab programs offer an alternative to inpatient treatment. While in an outpatient program, you live at home and go to the facility for treatment. This type of care is less intensive than inpatient care and how long is drug rehab allows you more flexibility with your schedule. The most common rehab programs are thirty, sixty, or ninety days in duration. Many stays in rehab lead to outpatient treatment to support the transition back to normal life.

how long is drug rehab

Medical detox centers can give patients medications to help them safely wean from drugs, and these safe medications can also shorten the length and severity of the withdrawal timeline. In many cases, people with co-occurring mental health conditions turned to drugs or alcohol to alleviate or numb their symptoms. Inpatient treatment, which is a type of treatment where an individual resides at the facility for the duration of their care, can last anywhere from days.

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While detoxing from substances like alcohol and heroin can last from 3 to 14 days, benzodiazepine detox can last up to eight weeks. Because of this, 30-day programs only work if an individual does not require a long detox program. A 60-day program has the main benefit of giving the person more time and more support through the treatment process. You have time to practice healthy habits and relapse prevention strategies. Insurance may not cover this length of rehab program but many rehab centers have payment plans. However, usually an alcoholic or drug addict is in some stage of denial.

These timelines are meant as rough guides to determine when symptoms will present themselves and subside. Of course, another factor that affects when a person will start having withdrawals is the form of the kind of drug they are using — whether that form is fast-acting or extended-release. But one also needs to keep in mind that drug recovery doesn’t end with the end of withdrawal symptoms. There’s a lot more to be done to recover from addiction successfully.

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Recovery from addiction takes more than just healing the body. Because addiction affects every part of your life–your physical health,…. When people think of addiction recovery, they usually imagine traditional practices such as behavioral therapy, group counseling, and self-help groups….. Schizoaffective disorder is a mental health condition that causes the symptoms of schizophrenia and a co-occurring mood disorder like bipolar…. If you or someone you love struggles with addiction, you may understand the physical toll substance abuse can take on…. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that develops after you experience something traumatic.

How long does it take a person to overcome their addiction?

It takes a small minority of people six months of abstinence to reach the point where they don't go back to their addictive behavior. However, for most people, a commitment of two to five years is necessary to truly break the habit and solidify change.

For people with severe addictions, it gives their body and mind more time to recuperate from the abuse they have subjected them to. Behavioral health disorders such as addiction currently affect millions of Americans. The Mental Health Services Administration has reported that substance abuse disorders and the general mental health of Americans worsened during the COVID pandemic. Many people fell into the habit of abusing an addictive substance during this difficult and challenging period.

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The family of the patient gets to contribute meaningfully to their healing. A 60-day treatment at any center provides adequate time for full detox from drugs and alcohol. Because drug treatment programs are highly individualized, there is no set duration of treatment.

how long is drug rehab

In fact, the National Institute on Drug Abuse estimated that the relapse rate for drug addiction is between 40 and 60 percent. Outpatient treatment is ideal for people who struggle with a mild or moderate addiction. They shouldn’t be looking at any serious withdrawal symptoms, and they need to have transportation to get to and from their therapy sessions. Moreover, they should have friends and family who will support their recovery and motivate them to attend their treatments regularly. In answering a question as central as “How long does drug rehab take? ” it is important to remember that there is no predetermined length of time for addiction treatment that is judged as ideal or adequate across the board.

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